Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 2 September 1979
Afternoon ride: Stover Lake
8 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Don Hassall, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Darren Sharp (Junior, Marldon), John Stuart, Mark Unknown (Junior, Marldon)
Our afternoon run at the beginning of September saw a good crowd out, including two newcomers who live in Marldon – Mark and Darren – as well as Mike and John from our Buckfastleigh Section. The weather was warm and sunny, making our ride down through Compton and over a couple of “humps” to Abbotskerswell and Newton Abbot very enjoyable.

We took to tracks from Teigngrace to go through woods and fields to Stover lake where the bikes were parked for a while and we had a gentle stroll, sustained by some luscious blackberries.

(Colin Brierly)

Cycling - Afternoon Run, Stover Lake. 11 present including Carl, John, Don and Frank.

(Michael Jones - excerpt from diary)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
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Events Index Gallery Participants