Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 8 May 1983
Day ride: Bowerman's Nose

9 Participants: Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Martin Chesterfield, Noel Downie, Dave Eyre, Ian Lee, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson
There were four of us at Five Lanes on 8th May for the Bowerman’s Nose run – Ian Lee, Matthew, Richard and myself – on what must have been a fine day (I had my shorts on for the first time this year). We were caught (what a weight) by Martin Chesterfield as we approached Kingskerswell, and he informed us his father was following somewhere behind. He eventually caught us up at Bovey Tracey and returned home straight away!

Waiting at Bovey were Dominic Sanders and Noel Downie, so we proceeded on up towards Becky Falls with new strength. We hadn’t gone far before Noel had a puncture and we had to stop again. As we were about to move off from our enforced rest, Phil and Matthew Burrows appeared – the decorating, it seems, was completed pm Saturday, except for one door!

Lunch was taken under the Nose (good job it was not “sniffle” weather), after which we hunted for the nearest ice-cream van. The Official Run (Phil, Matthew, Martin and I) rode on to Ashburton while the rest went to Kevin’s. Ashburton was reached with rather a lot of time in hand, so we decided to detour home via Dean Prior, Rattery and Staverton.

(Dave Eyre)
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Events Index Gallery Participants