Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 15 May 1983
Day ride: South Pool

6 Participants: Fred Chesterfield, Martin Chesterfield, Dave Eyre, Richard Read, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson
For the run to South Pool on 15th May I met up with Fred and Martin Chesterfield and Dave the Beard at Five Lanes. We picked up Matthew and Richard at Totnes and took the usual back roads via Harbertonford to Frogmore, Fred having said “Au revoir” to us at Moreleigh. We heaved our empty tums over the big hill into South Pool for lunch and a chance for the younger ones to throw each other in the river – the very muddy river!

Grievous bodily harm over, we rode over to Slapton for ice-creams, then headed for Dartmouth as the fine sunny weather made us feel inclined to spend 50p each on the ferry, and we went our separate ways at Churston.

(Robert Spence)
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Events Index Gallery Participants