Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 10 June 1979
Day ride: Buckland Beacon

10 Participants: Peter Adams (13, Holne), Graham Brodie, Iris Buckler, Richard Clayton, Robert Clayton, Paul Dean, Nick Dinsdale, Antony House (13, Ashburton), Carl Jefferys (13, Torquay), Mike Wreaford (Junior, Torquay)
On the following week’s run to Buckland Beacon we were joined by Carl Jeffereys and Mike Wreaford from Torquay, and Antony House and Peter Adams from Ashburton and Holne respectively. Also out were two of the Clayton brothers, Robert and Richard, together with Nick Dinsdale and Paul Dean.

Ten of us set out from Five Lanes (Marldon) and rode out to Staverton and Buckfastleigh (dealing with a few mechanical troubles en-route) where we met Iris Buckler. After stopping at the shops for some of the youngsters to stock up with food we climbed up towards Holne, stopping for lunch near Shuttaford.

We didn’t actually go up to Buckland Beacon but spent the afternoon wandering around Poundsgate and Spitchwick before returning to Holne for a godo tea at The Old Forge. The return trip took us home through Holne Chase, Ashburton, Denbury and Stoneycombe.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
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Events Index Gallery Participants