Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 17 June 1979
Day ride: Bigbury

6 Participants: Peter Adams, Frank Boyes, Graham Brodie, Don Cockman, Antony House, John Stuart (14, Buckfastleigh)
Eleven were out on the run to Bigbury, including another lad from Ashburton, John Stuart, along with the other two whom we met at Totnes. Don Cockman and Frank joined us for the morning and the rest of us pressed on to Gara Bridge and had lunch on the climb out of the valley. We then wandered on down to Bigbury.

The tide was out and so we walked across to Burgh Island and back. We took the tidal road back to Aveton Gifford and then the lanes through Loddiswell, Woodleigh and Moreleigh, stopping for a picnic tea before dropping down into Harbertonford and home through Totnes and Berry Pomeroy.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
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Events Index Gallery Participants