Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 29 July 1979
Day ride: Cawsands
4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Antony House, Michael Jones, John Stuart
The next Sunday’s destination, listed as Cawsands, was also not attained, but this time the weather was the excuse. When I awoke on the morning the gods still had their shower bath going at full strength and I thought it would be a case of “home to lunch” never mind a picnic tea, but I did go out to our rendezvous at Marley Head and was quite surprised when Mike, John and Antony turned up from Buckfastleigh and Ashburton and invited me to join their Section!

We decided, in view of the weather prospects, to forget Cawsands and, after a bit of main road work to Ivybridge, diverted to Cornwood and towards Harford before stopping in a sheltered spot for our picnic. After lunch we wandered from Bittaford to Shipley Bridge and Gidley Bridge before I left the Buckfastleigh Section and headed for home.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
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Events Index Gallery Participants