Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 5 August 1979
Afternoon ride: Woodland
6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
I’m pleased to say Torbay’s members recovered for our August afternoon run when we were 9 to the 2 Buckfastleigh members that joined us on a tour of the lanes in the Landscove and Woodland area before sitting down to a magnificent tea provided by Win and John Reynolds at Denbury.

We had a Section meeting on August 2nd and were pleased to have Sue Shepley offer to take on the Section Sec. job in place of Graham, who is joining the BBC at Evesham. We all hope he finds his new job to his liking. Sue may not join us on all Sunday runs but has been one of the most regular riders on the Wednesday evening runs for several years and rarely misses an afternoon run.

(Colin Brierly)

Cycling - Afternoon to Denbury for tea. 11 riders including Phil, John, Don, Graham and Colin.

(Michael Jones - diary extract)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
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Events Index Gallery Participants