Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 31 January 1982
Day ride: Kenn Valley

17 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Andrew Giles (16, Ideford), Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Justin Landen, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
Things were a little more energetic the following week. Seventeen riders took part in all, including – wait for it – yet another new rider, 16-year-old Andrew Giles from Ideford Combe. The Marldon brigade were out in force this time, obviously keen to tackle the ride. We were also pleased to see Paul Kerr on the bike again, following a major overhaul (of the bike I mean). The weather was generally bright during the morning, and the countryside looked very attractive as we passed through Sandygate and Ideford to Luton. I’ll bet everyone was pleased that we didn’t have to climb that delightful hill called “Little Haldon” – if that’s little, I don’t fancy coming across any big ones!

Rixdale is, according to Colin, one of the easiest crossings over Haldon, and it certainly didn’t feel too bad as we descended the hairpins to Milton. Don, Michael and Frances were waiting for us just before Langdon and we had lunch near Gulliford on the wide grass verge. I still don’t know why I never get any peace at lunchtimes! And so via Black Forest Lodge to Kenton and, finally, to our destination – the Kenn Valley. Kevin chose the crossroads near Willsworthy to collect another puncture; when this had been fixed we continued towards Kenn beside the river Kenn.

On the way, Paul and I noticed a most peculiar sign – it was a red triangular one, like that used for roadworks, except that the silhouette was of a girl kicking a ball down a ramp! Perhaps the people of Kenn were warning us that the lady inhabitants are not to be tangled with!

Crossing the A38 at Kennford we continued along the valley through Clapham to Dunchideock, where time and tide told us that it was time to leave the river Kenn and make tracks for home – one day we’ll have to find the source, which isn’t far from Dunchideock.

The “tracks” towards Torbay which we made were not easy ones at first, involving a long climb up to Webberton Cross. Here, Justin had his first puncture (“I’ll never get a puncture..!”). When repairs has been effected we proceeded past Laurence Castle and then enjoyed the benefits of all that climbing as we dropped down through Trusham to the Teign Valley. Dartmoor and Torbay riders parted at Chudleigh Knighton. I understand that one or two young lads were beginning to feel just how many miles they had done that day as they cycled back to Marldon – well done, all of you.

(Michael Jones)

I missed the main bunch from Buckfastleigh at the Glendennings meeting point so had to chase on to the Newton Abbot pickup point to catch everyone up.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
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Events Index Gallery Participants