Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 7 February 1982
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston
9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, Kevin Philips, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Mike Ward
I’ve heard it many time before, but there seemed to be more justification than usual for “You must be mad to go out on a day like this”, because it had poured all morning and showed no real sign of stopping as time for the Afternoon Run start drew near. Quite a lot of other refugees from mental institutions at Five Lanes, however, when I arrived, and after a certain amount of delay deciding what to do, we headed towards Ipplepen as a fairly central dispersal point for Buckfast, Newton and Torbay.

A little more delay at Ipplepen with Kevin having added one more to his puncture score – or even, score of punctures – but we did decide that we would risk taking off our capes by the time he was mobile again. We continued out a mile or two beyond Broadhempston before looping back to Denbury and taking our diverse directions home.

(Colin Brierly)

Michael had received his new Mercian frame today.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
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Events Index Gallery Participants