Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 14 March 1982
Day ride: Dittisham

8 Participants: Paul Kerr, Frances Lofty, Jason Parnell, Glenn Powling, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
Eight of us met in Totnes for the Great Alternative Bike Ride on a dry but windy morning, and promptly set off up the Mount. We dropped down to Bow Bridge and rode along the lovely Bow Creek to Tuckenhay and the (gasp) ascent of Corkscrew Hill. After stocking up with “chocky bars” in Cornworthy we had a leisurely lunch in Dittisham.

From there it was “headwind battling” until taking to the deep, steep lane to Washbourne, whereupon John and I decided to re-route along this inviting track – which deteriorated, as they always do. Three falls, eight filthy bikes and no punctures later we reached tarmac at Beenleigh for the stroll up to Luscombe Cross. We said our farewells in Totnes after a very pleasant day.

(Rob Spence)
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Events Index Gallery Participants