Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 28 March 1982
Day ride: Teign-e-ver (SX653868)

19 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downer, Stephen Downer, Valerie Farrell, Simon Haly, Paul Harman, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Robert Leeke, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Tim Reep, Mark Sheppard (15, Totnes), Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Andrew Winstanley
Things were very different for our Teign-e-ver run at the end of the month, with warm sunshine and a large turnout for a fairly energetic run. We were pleased to see another new rider, 15-year-old Mark Sheppard from Totnes who was a friend of Stephen Downer. Mileage is not great, but by the time you’ve dragged up towards Moretonhampstead and then found more “bumpy stuff” over Nattadon and Meldon Hill, you could have gone twice as far on easy roads.

We had lunch at Middlecott after picking masses of thorns out of the inviting-looking grassy bank, and by the time we approached the climb to Teigncombe I decided that only the fitter folk were going to get to the desintation. Half a dozen continued whilst the rest headed back towards Hound Tor, meeting Tim Reep on the way. We waited there for three quarters of an hour to see if the others would catch up, but there being no sign of them we headed for home, having had it strongly stressed that we had to be back in plenty of time for James Bond!

(Colin Brierly)

When I got home I found I had been locked out by my brother! Took 75 minutes to find a way to break in to my own house!

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
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Events Index Gallery Participants