Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 9 April 1982
Tour: Cornwall
Day 1: Home to Golant YH

12 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
The Easter Tour was a great success this year, with twelve of the fitter Torbay riders taking part.

As Torbay’s new Section Delegate, Michael Ward has written the account of this year’s tour. Unfortunately he didn’t ride down with us on the first day, but since the B-Section also made their own way to Golant there is little point in making a meal of it. The ride to Plymouth was fast and furious in glorious weather, and the scenery along the South Cornwall coast was very attractive. We rode through Downderry and Looe and crossed to Fowey on the Bodinnick ferry.

We were all very impressed with the hostel that evening, partly because of the beautiful views across the river, but also, I think, because the warden served up some delicious vegetarian meals!

(Michael Jones)

We rode down the A38 to Plymouth. Mike Ward and Frances had made their own way to the hostel. Our Hostel Chore was to do the washing up.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
Saturday 10 April 1982
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 2: Golant to Tintagel YH

12 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
At half past nine on a sunny Saturday morning we climbed up the track from Golant to Castle Dore. Most of the Exeter bunch intended to explore the Fowey that morning so we split, with the bulk of us cycling on to Lostwithiel for morning coffee. A short while later the Exeter Section arrived minus Bernard, who had been mislaid en route. After thirty minutes pondering over the possible wrong turnings he could have taken, he arrived intact if not unflustered!

Suitably refreshed we took the first left off the main road and climbed up the lanes to a quiet lunch spot overlooking the Fowey Valley. Entertainment was provided by Jackie’s tennis ball, found near the Torpoint Ferry the previous day.

We dropped down a lovely one-in-five gradient with plenty of bends, and joined the A38 in the valley. At this point, five of us took a wrong turning after going back to fetch something from the lunch spot, which caused some unnecessary waiting at junctions for the others. A lovely run up the valley ended abruptly as we turned left up the hill to St Neot. Still upwards, we pedalled over the moor past the future Colliford reservoir. We found the A30 and battled into the wind past the Jamaica Inn, stopping for a well-deserved coffee at Trewint.

Turning left off the main road we descended through Altarnun before encountering a four-mile drag up through Davidstow Moor, until at Slaughterbridge we finally started to drop off the moor towards Tintagel, where the separated groups met. That evening, Kevin discovered that butter wouldn’t melt on his “baked” potato – funny chap, this warden! Never mind, the tea was good!

(Michael Ward)

Rode via Lostwithiel. Jackie left gloves so "we" went back up the hill to retrieve them and lost the others. Made our own way to Tintagel. I recall Bernard from Exeter getting lost and being left behind.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
Sunday 11 April 1982
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 3: Tintagel to Elmscott YH

12 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
The first thing on the agenda next morning was a visit to King Arthur’s Castle, which looked impressive in the morning sun. There followed a short cycle up the coast to Boscastle for elevenses. By this time it was getting hot, and Pete Luxton’s knees saw the sun for the first time this year! We took the lanes following the coast to Millook, where we stopped for a well-deserved lunch – in North Corwall one cycles three miles up and down to do one mile on the map!

After climbing up out of Millook we were rewarded by a magnificent view of Bude Bay, followed by some magnificent ice-creams from the beach-hut at the bottom of the hill. From Bude we joined the A39 and plugged on through Kilkhampton to Welcombe Cross. From here the group split, some taking the direct route through Welcombe, finally meeting at Elmscott youth hostel.

Those who visited Elmscott last year were pleasantly surprised by the improvement in the standard of the food and friendliness of the warden. The hearty meal was devoured (just) by all.

(Michael Ward)

There was a cat on my bed this morning, so I deposited it on Nigel Wilson's bed. The warden told Michael off for something, not sure what though. Averaged 3mph to Bude. Rob Spence had loads of punctures.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
Monday 12 April 1982
Tour: Cornwall
Day 4: Elmscott to Home

12 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
The next morning was warm and with the following wind immediate thoughts of distances were forgotten. Following the lanes on one of Colin’s devious routes we avoided most of the hills and a steady pace was soon built up. We couldn’t find a coffee spot so we cycled until lunch, which was eaten three miles outside Okehampton in some splendid countryside, with views of Yes Tor and the Okement valley. Jackie’s tennis ball provided entertainment once more, and the field was found to be wet in places!

The Exeter and Torbay Sections parted in Okehampton. Torbay Section had a lovely ride to Moretonhampstead for afternoon tea. Whilst we were waiting near the bikes for the others and enjoying the sun, one of Robert’s tyres suddenly let out a hissing noise and went flat! Poor old Robert – I think he’d lost count of the number of punctures he’s repaired over the weekend! We continued down the valley to Bovey, where everybody went their separate ways.

So good weather again this year, and a tour that was enjoyed by everyone. We look forward to next year!

(Michael Ward)

Stopped for lunch just before Okehampton. Coffee at Moretonhampstead.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
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Events Index Gallery Participants