Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 25 April 1982
Day ride: Lannacombe Beach

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Stephen Downer, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Kim Marshall, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Sheppard, John Stuart, Mike Ward
And that brings us to the last Sunday in April. The destination was Lannacombe Beach, and just for a change the weather gods had forgotten to read the runs list – the sun was shining on us again! Fourteen of us gathered at the Totnes pick-up, and after slogging our way up through the town we set course via Harbertonford and Moreleigh at Warp Ten in order to get to the beach by lunchtime. The scenery around the Start Point peninsula is quite wonderful, and I am sure we will be returning to the area again in the near future.

On arriving at the beach we had to negotiate a fresh-water stream before we could park the bikes safely. A sheltered portion of beach between the rocks was soon located, and saddlebags were duly unpacked. Just after lunch Kim and Frances disappeared behind a rock, and the next thing we saw was a pair of pink figures running down the beach towards the sea. Michael and Kevin soon followed, but the rest of us had more sense. Colin pointed out the figures in the distance and remarked that soon we wouldn’t be able to see them against the blue background! Sure enough they were soon back, shivering but apparently happy. Next, Stephen and Mark S entertained us by riding around on the sand, and to conclude the programme we ambled along the shore in search of treasure – in the event, all we found were some very sharp rocks that halved the speed of the bare-footed ones!

But all good things come to an end, and so it was that we began the long journey homewards via Slapton and Strete. We were still to have a couple of punctures to mend, and my training shoes were to be laid to rest in Slapton Sands, but we were in no particular hurry that evening.

(Michael Jones)

On the way down the lane to the beach we met a car on a bend, so Kim and I rode either side of him to get past. The motorist then complained to Michael!

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
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Events Index Gallery Participants