Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 9 May 1982
Day ride: Blackpool Sands

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Valerie Farrell, Simon Haly, Paul Harman, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
Fourteen members met at Totnes for our trip to Blackpool Sands on 9th May. Kevin and Michael led us down through the lanes to Moreleigh and Blackawton, finally emerging at Blackpool just in time for lunch. The sun was set in a cloudless sky that afternoon, even though I understand it was misty over the moors, and we settled down on a peaceful part of the beach. During the two and a half hours we spent there, three or four went for a bathe (which lasted two minutes), Matthew got thrown in and everyone got sand down their clothes – including Jean and Colin! It was a lot of fun, though, and we all felt that summer was here to stay as we ate our ice-creams and lazed around.

As with all good things, however, the time eventually came to depart, and so it was that Colin and the youngsters made their way back to Paignton over the ferry whilst the rest of us wandered back through Diptford and Rattery.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Nigel Wilson, Colin Downie]
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Events Index Gallery Participants