Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 27 June 1982
Day ride: Wistman's Wood

17 Participants: Andrew Billington, Stephen Downer, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Ian Lee (Junior, Kingskerswell), Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Richardson, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
We didn’t make the destination next day, but we had a very successful day nevertheless. It started to rain just after ten o’clock and by the time the Marldon, Totnes and Ilsington contingents had arrived at the Buckfastleigh pick-up it had developed into a rapid sequence of heavy showers. There were no less than seventeen of us sheltering under those flimsy branches, a clear sign that exams were finished at last, and after twenty five minutes it was obvious that something would have to be done. Someone suggested that my place was quite nearby. Someone else recalled the large room and the lovely hot drinks they’d had there the previous night. To conclude the conspiracy someone else commented on how wet it was, and before long everyone was settled down at Redmount for the morning – very convenient for some!

Coffee was drunk and it was still raining. Mum and Dad came back with visions of the traditionally peaceful Sunday lunchtime and were greeted with a pile of bikes outside the back door where the car should have gone! It was not until records had been played and packed lunches consumed that the weather improved, and then the difficulty was to prize Jackie and Frances out of their comfy chairs and away from the pile of records they had chosen for the afternoon.

The sun had come out when we finally got on the road, so we made our way up through Buckfastleigh to Holne and Hexworthy before diverting from our proposed destination of Wistman’s Wood. Instead of turning left for Two Bridges we dropped down to Dartmeet and again ate ice-creams in the sun, the last thing we would have anticipated doing earlier in the day.

Once we had climbed up the hill to Sherberton Common it was easy going through Poundsgate and New Bridge, where John Pope, Kevin and Andrew Billington left us to ride home. The rest left me at Buckfastleigh, just as some heavy drizzle was settling in for the evening, but we’d had a good day so it didn’t bother us much. I hope Ian Lee, from Kingskerswell, enjoyed his first ride, and that we will see more of both him and Andrew during the summer months.

To end on a sadder note, I have to report that on the following day Stephen Downer was taken to hospital after his front forks broke near Paignton Zoo. His bike was almost written off and Steven was needless-to-say in rather a poor state. We all send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope that it will not be too long before he is back with us again.

(Michael Jones)
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Events Index Gallery Participants