Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 28 January 1979
Day ride: Millcombe

3 Participants: Graham Brodie, Sue Shepley, Raymond Snelling (Junior, Devon)
The following week our run to Millcombe was a wash-out, although the turnout included Sue Shepley and three of “the lads” as our youthful followers are known. Our route to Ashprington proved very interesting as we took the footpath along the river and, had there been a little more sunshine, the scenery would have been very spectacular. Unfortunately the run ended in a bus shelter at Tuckenhay, where we sheltered form the pouring rain which continued throughout the brisk return journey which followed.

There has been renewed young interest in the Section with a new lad, Raymond Snelling, who braved the rain to come out on his first run, and we are hoping to see two more new youngsters when the weather improves.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
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Events Index Gallery Participants