Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 25 July 1982
Day ride: Crow Tor

17 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Jeremy Cox, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley, Philip Wrigley
Brilliant sunshine brought seventeen cyclists out to Buckfastleigh for the ride to Crow Tor. The sun shone all day and the temperatures were extremely high. We set off through Buckfast and made our way via a track to Holne. We then climbed up onto the moor past Venford Reservoir and on to Hexworthy. It was decided to push on to Two Bridges before we stopped for lunch. A suitable place was found on the path to Wistman’s Wood.

After lunch Colin left us and we proceeded to the Wood, where the majority of people went for a walk whilst the somewhat less energetic stayed by the bikes.

Sometime later, and after meeting a life member of the CTC out walking with his wife, we reached the main road to Postbridge. The road was busy with grockles and we were glad to turn off just after Postbridge, heading towards Widecombe. After stopping to quench thirsts and refill the water bottles we began the climb up past Bonehill Rocks – a better route than the busy main road even though it was decidedly steep. We finally reached the summit puffing and panting, but the thought of tea at Kevin’s house and a cool swim spurred us on.

We arrived at Silver Birches to find Don sunning himself on the grass, having already sampled the delights of the swimming pool before the crowds arrived. Thanks very much to Mr and Mrs Presland for a great tea and for the use of their swimming pool – it was very much appreciated by us all – and a special thanks to Tigger the kitten for entertainment provided!

As the sun dropped in the sky the temperature fell accordingly, and when Michael Ward finally got out of the pool we enjoyed a somewhat cooler ride home. A great ride to end another fantastic month of cycling.

(Frances Lofty)

[1 point: Don Hassall]
[2 points: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler]
[3 points: Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley]
[4 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants