Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 1 August 1982
09:30 - 22:00
Day ride: Morwellham Quay

3 Participants: Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland
Being the first Sunday in the month meant that one of the hard rides took place on that day, this time to Morwellham Quay. There was nobody at Buckfastleigh so I continued out to Avonwick to find Frances, who had made her own way there and arrived half an hour early. Mark arrived fifteen minutes late after waiting for Frances in Totnes! Friendly words exchanged and we were ready to go – well, almost. No, not a puncture, a broken gear cable. Luckily the garage across the road had some pliers hanging around.

Finally we set off, with myself up front attempting to do some map reading. We took the dual carriageway to Ivybridge and then made our way to the Shaugh Prior area via Sparkwell, with only a couple of errors! After our half-hour lunch stop we continued to Morwellham via Yelverton and Denham Bridge.

At 3.00 we were sat in the café at the destination drinking tea, after deciding that the entrance fees were too much. We next found our way to Tavistock, and from there followed the Princetown signposts. We were rather surprised when, sometime later, we found ourselves at Horrabridge – the “yocals” found it most amusing. Oh well, what’s an eight mile detour!

Tea near Sampford Spiney, iced lollies at Princetown followed by a good ride to Buckfastleigh rounded off a great day. After stopping at Mike’s we didn’t get home until 10.00 that night.

(Kevin Presland)
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Events Index Gallery Participants