Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 22 August 1982
Day ride: Crazy Well Pool (SX 582704)

22 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Roome (Junior, Ipplepen), Duncan Scott, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Andrew Winstanley, Philip Wrigley
One of Claud Warren’s suggestions was the destination on 22nd August – Crazy Well Pool. When we arrived at Avonwick we were surprised if not amazed to see Jackie. She had unexpectedly returned from University. Also at the pick-up was young John Roome of Ipplepen, a friend of Andrew Winstanley, making numbers up to thirteen. John used to live in Buckfastleigh, so Michael also knew him – small world!

When we reached Ivybridge, John Pope and I left the others to go to Cornwood to see a teacher we both knew. We took longer than intended, however, and by the time we caught up with the group they had stopped for lunch beside Burrator Reservoir, sheltering under the trees from the by now heavy showers.

We took the track towards Princetown and then did some hunting on foot for the pool itself. Goodness knows why it took us so long – it was the largest “pool” I have ever seen! We returned to the bikes and waited whilst Michael Ward tightened his cones with an assortment of spanners that had been dug out of various saddle bags. At last the job was done, but we still had to search through the undergrowth for one of his quick release springs before he could reassemble the machine. After several minutes of the whole group crawling around on hands and knees, the offending item was discovered – it was on the skewer!!!

Grey skies were still producing bad weather as we carried on along the muddy track to Princetown and back to Buckfastleigh via Hexworthy; I’m sure coaches aren’t allowed across Hexworthy Bridge, with its seven ton weight limit!

Tea was at Mike’s and very nice it was too. Our numbers had by this time increased to twenty one by several younger members who had accompanied Jean from Marldon. Thanks very much Mr and Mrs Jones.

Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Tewson, Richard Read, Simon Haly, Glenn Powling, Justin Landen, Matthew Burrows and Phil Burrows joined us for tea at Buckfastleigh.

(Kevin Presland)

[1 point: Colin Brierly, Matthew Tewson, Glenn Powling, Simon Haly, Richard Read, Jean Brierly, Phil Burrows, Matthew Burrows, Justin Landen]
[3 points: Phil Wrigley]
[4 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants