Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Saturday 13 March 1982
Weekend ride: Inter-DA Photographic Competition
Day 1

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
We had a good though rather hard trip to Crowcombe, with a gentle but unfriendly breeze on the way up and a downright antagonistic wind on the way back!

This year the competition was extended to include Southampton DA as an addition to the existing Bristol, Wessex and Devon Das. Rules were also amended to allow up to four slides from one photographer instead of the previous two, and as we were struggling for entries the change was quite helpful.

The independent judge had, as usual, a major task in making a selection of “Pictorial” slides from a superb dew-laden spider’s web to a murky industrial town – also a first class slide.

A lot of our better entries were not to the judge’s taste unfortunately, and while we had an excellent set of twenty four slides we were relegated to third place, the scoring being Bristol 1225, Wessex 1220, Devon 1210 and Southampton 1110.

Michael Jones tied for second place in the Cycling class. Whilst I would like to see Devon do better, the competition is a very friendly affair and results good or bad do not detract from one of the best weekends of the year.

(Colin Brierly)

The following weekend we were off to Crowcombe YH for the Inter-DA Photographic Competition: by "we" I mean Pete, Wendy, Laurence and myself. We had the company of Torbay (who had ridden up in the morning) for our ride to Crowcombe YH. We took our usual route through Bampton, Wiveliscombe and Pitsford Hill, stopping near Wivy for afternoon tea. We arrived at the hostel at about six-o'clock, which gave plenty of time to wash and change before supper. We did not do too well in the competition even though we had some very good slides entered.

(Jean Luxton)

Lunch at the Luxton household at Stoke Canon. Mark Morton was on his Dad's bike. Don and Matt Tewson were on the Vespa today.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)

[3 points: Don Hassall]
[4 points: everyone else]
Sunday 14 March 1982
Weekend ride: Inter-DA Photographic Competition
Day 2

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
On Sunday, Ralph rode over from his home in Taunton to join us, and then led the Exeter B-section back to his home for our morning coffee break – thanks Sheila for the super cakes! This was to be Ralph’s last ride for a while, as the next Sunday he was going into hospital to have an operation on his eyes for cataracts. I am glad to report that he has been able to have both eyes done and that he is getting on very well. We all hope it won’t be too long before he is back on his bike and riding with us again – we miss his smiling face!

From Taunton we took the lane route through Langford Budville and Bathealton, finding a sheltered spot for lunch. Then it was on to Rockwell Green, along some more lanes, up and down a few hills, across the railway line and over the M5 to ride down to Willand for tea, which ended a good weekend awheel.

(Jean Luxton)

Hard headwind and showers Lunch in a bus shelter. Colin and Jean took tandem to top of Longdown on roof of car.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)

I believe Torbay Section rode home on a more direct route, through Wiveliscombe.

(Michael Jones, 2018)
Page 1 of 1 (2 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants