Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Monday 23 August 1982
Weekend ride: Camping Trip
Day 1

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
On the Monday night, Torbay Section had its first camping session, with six of us going to Mike’s relative’s farm at East Allington. It was great, and we are just waiting for another chance (open to the whole Section next time).

(Kevin Presland)
Tuesday 24 August 1982
Weekend ride: Camping Trip
Day 2

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
On the way back to Harbertonford we managed to find out what the elusive “Fading Paintwork” signs in the hedge were referring to that had led us nowhere the previous day. After a pause for coffee we continued towards Totnes and home, finding a sea of barley on the road. Mike and I managed to carry eighteen pounds home with us for the poultry – what a shame our panniers were so full!

(Kevin Presland)
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Events Index Gallery Participants