Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 19 September 1982
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
Turning wet
19 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Colin Downie, Antony House, Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Neil Pena, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
On the 19th we were supposed to be going to Fernworthy. All seemed to go well at first, with a massive turnout of nineteen meeting at Bovey, Matthew had just come to show us he was still alive, as he had to go back to his Gran’s house at Kingsteignton, but Neil was out again and stayed with us all day.

It’s all very nice having so many on the ride, but if it should happen to rain part-way through the morning, people can get miserable – especially if the rain is heavy! Well, that’s what happened of course. It started just after Manaton as a light drizzle, but was so heavy by the time we reached Gratnar Farm that we had to stop under the trees for lunch. The trees were fine – for a few minutes! Soon we were thoroughly drenched and all thoughts of going to the reservoir were abandoned. Colin couldn’t even read his paper, and that was the last straw!

We turned tail and made for home as fast as possible via Hound Tor and Hemsworthy Gate, with some going back to Kevin’s house and others going straight home. Not the best of Sundays for cycling but it was good to see so much support.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Matthew Tewson]
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Events Index Gallery Participants