Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 10 October 1982
Day ride: Hartland Cleave SX 853965

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Ian Lee, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward
Colin and myself were the entire Marldon meeting the following week, but we met seven others at the Chudleigh Bridge pickup. The destination was Hartland Cleave near Whitestone, so with clouds gathering above us we sped up the Teign Valley and crossed the A30 at Five Mile Cross. By this time many were feeling hungry, so we picked a suitable spot off the road for lunch.

Then the rain started – light at first but with increasing momentum. We didn’t spend long at the Cleave as we could hardly see it through the rain. We made for Cheriton Bishop at great haste, complete with Dominic’s loose rear cones and Ian’s clicking front ones!

Phil and Matthew Burrows left with Colin (and the rain) for Chudleigh to pick up the car while the rest of us continued via Whiddon Down to our favourite tea shop in Moretonhampstead. Suitably refreshed, we sped towards Bovey and home – I don’t know how Richard and Matthew made it after all those Devon Splits!

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants