Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 17 October 1982
Day ride: Buckland-tout-Saints

3 Participants: Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
Buckland-tour-Saints (not the bottled variety) was the destination on 17th October. On what was a sunny but fairly breezy day, nine of us set off up Totnes High Street and took the Cornworthy road to Tideford. We continued through Blackawton, East Allington and on to Buckland, finding a nice wall to shelter behind so that we could eat our lunch in comfort. The church is very interesting as it is a long way outside the village of Goveton.

With lunch finished, punctures repaired, and Matthew’s shoe recovered we re-mounted our machines. The return route took us through Woodleigh to Moreleigh. We took that very fast stretch of road to Harbertonford, Mark and I pressing on ahead of the others. After ten or fifteen minutes in Harbertonford, however, we feared the worst and slogged back up the hill, only to find that Kevin had a puncture. We bade each other farewell at Totnes after a good day’s cycling.

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants