Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 14 November 1982
Day ride: Gidleigh Castle
Wintry showers
5 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, Eddie Wingfield (Junior, South Brent)
The AGM and slide show were followed by a run to Gidleigh Castle. After the previous day’s sunshine, we were looking forward to the prospect of a good ride, but some very heavy showers just prior to the start made sure that attendance was low and that those who had made the effort were wet and cold. Seven of us met at the Bovey Tracey pickup, including Andrew Billington and Kevin Presland who were just out to say hello (which incidentally they did beautifully).

Well, we set off along the Manaton road, with Colin and our new rider Eddie Wingfield from South Brent setting a good pace up front. Unfortunately, Michael Ward got a puncture around the first corner, and we were standing in the cold for twenty minutes while he wrestled with his cold fingers. Colin and Eddie were now out of sight, so we set off up the hill as quickly as we could. A hail shower almost turned us back, but we persevered and finally reached the top to find the place deserted! There was no sign of Colin anywhere, so we carried on in the hope of seeing them beside the road.

When we reached Hound Tor and still hadn’t found them, we decided to grab a bite to eat from our lunch boxes and make for home – it wasn’t the kind of day to sit around enjoying the view! Obviously, Colin and Eddie had had similar thoughts, for we caught up with Eddie just past Cold East Cross (a very apt description). He was drinking something hot before descending the hill to Ashburton – a sensible man!

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants