Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 5 December 1982
Day ride: Brentor
Dull and overcast
2 Participants: Mark Morton, Mike Ward
With December constituting the third month of wet Sundays in a row, the attendance situation was beginning to look serious. A little encouragement was clearly needed during the Christmas period to revive enthusiasm amongst the ranks, and the result was an average attendance of ten over the month.

(Michael Jones)

On the morning after the Dinner, poor support for the long run could have been predicted. Only Mark and I met in Avonwick for the start, and on such a dull, overcast morning we decided not to press on to Brentor. Instead, we went for a spin around the lanes to Ivybridge and returned to Buckfastleigh via Brent Tor (similar name anyway) to meet up with Mike for the Afternoon Run.

(Michael Ward)
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Events Index Gallery Participants