Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 12 December 1982
Day ride: Fingle Bridge
Dry start, showers later
6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
With the run headed for Fingle Bridge the following Sunday, all met at Bovey Tracey – Mike, Mark, Kevin and me, and Colin and Jean on the tandem. We turned off the main road at Slade Cross, taking the road up to and through the reservoirs and on to Blackingstone before passing Mardon Down and descending the fantastic slope towards Wooston.

We stopped at Willingstone Rock for lunch, after which we donned our waterproofs and ran for shelter from a large black cloud. It obviously saw us, however, and had the last laugh by not raining!

The steep path through Hannicombe Wood is hard enough to descend on a solo bike, but on a tandem – “phew”; full marks to Colin and his ballast! A heavy spell of rain forced some into shelter near Clifford Bridge, but it soon gave way to sunshine again and we pressed on to Dunsford. The run down the Teign Valley rounded off the day nicely.

(Michael Ward)
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Events Index Gallery Participants