Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 16 January 1983
Day ride: Shipley Bridge

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Mark Evans (I) (Junior, Paignton), Mark Hodges (Junior, Paignton), Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Mark Morton, John Roome, Duncan Scott, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Chris Tochnell (Junior, Paignton), Mike Ward, Andrew Winstanley
The Shipley Bridge ride was another of the month’s success stories, with three new riders joining the ranks from Paignton school – Mark Evans, Mark Hodges and Chris Tochnell, all in the Fourth and Fifth years. Oh well, life is already confusing with multiple Andrews, Michaels and Johns, so we may as well be “in for a pound”.

We followed the main road from Totnes up the long drag to Avonwick and then continued to South Brent. After a short climb through Aish we were at the destination and settling down in the sun opposite the rhododendrons for lunch. The more adventurous walked up to the Avon Dam to verify that whatever problems there may be with the supply network there was certainly no shortage of water at the source.

To conclude the day’s ride, we cycled back through the muddy lanes towards Dartington, during which time Ian Lee and Duncan got punctures and one of the new lads broke his light. When Duncan’s tyre went flat a second time, Colin took the others home while I attempted some repair work. By this time, it was somewhat chilly, and we were glad to get home for supper.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants