Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 6 February 1983
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Jamie Spence, Robert Spence
February was, on the whole, a dry month, but bitter easterly winds made several of the rides a trifle cold to say the least. Average attendance for the month was just over ten.

The Afternoon Run was well attended – a fact which was probably not entirely unrelated to tea being at Colin’s that evening! Jamie Spence made his annual visit to the Section along with his father – if he keeps up this regular exercise for just a few more years he’ll soon be fit enough to join us twice a year!

The fourteen of us decided on a shortish ride, beginning with a detour through Blagdon to Afton and continuing via Hemsford to Broadhempston. From there, a brisk return was made to Paignton through Park Hill, the last drag up from Compton leaving a certain young gentleman most definitely ready for tea!

And, of course, the spread was delicious, particularly Jean’s super vol-au-vents and fruit flan. A little snooker rounded off the day’s activities admirably, and we were once again indebted to Colin and Jean for their hospitality.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants