Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 20 February 1983
Day ride: Dunchideock

7 Participants: John Babbage (Junior, Devon), Gareth Bath (Junior, Paignton), Colin Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Don Hassall, Michael Jones
The Dunchideock ride had a good turnout, with two new members – Gareth Bath and John Babbage – making numbers up to nine at the Chudleigh Bridge pickup. There would have been two more if Matthew and Richard had not had a puncture on the way from Newton Abbot.

Colin had to leave us because of a bad cold, so the remaining eight of us set off up the Teign Valley to Doddiscombesleigh and Sexton’s Cross, from where we slogged up over the hill to the destination. Shelter from the wind was not immediately forthcoming, and we had progressed to Shillingford before a suitable lunch spot was found. As with the previous week the breeze was not exactly warm, and we were quickly on the bikes again, eager for hills to climb.

We arrived early at Dorrie Amos’ house in Exeter for our cup of tea, and by the time Don turned up we had cleared most of the food! After thanking Dorrie for her welcome Port of Call we made all speed along the ship canal, where Gareth entertained us all by falling off his bike and nearly slipping into the icy depths! We were honoured to have Don riding with us all the way to Dawlish, but whilst his offer of another cup of tea was very tempting it was high time we were making tracks for home.

It was nice to see Phil Burrows and son Matthew out with us again after a winter hibernation, and I was particularly pleased to welcome Gareth into the ranks – a long-standing friend of mine from STC Paignton.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants