Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 27 February 1983
Day ride: Wonwell Beach (SX618472)

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Matthew Tewson
And so, we come to the last ride of the month. We had intended to try Wonwell Beach again, but the wind and rain soon made us forget all such ideas. It looks like Wonwell Beach is another Cawsand, conjuring up bad weather whenever we try to visit!

The pickup was at Avonwick, a long way from Buckfastleigh you may think. Well, it obviously wasn’t far enough, because the wheels started turning in the direction of South Brent and Harbertonford, and by 12.15 everyone had settled down in front of the log fire at Redmount!

During the course of the next three hours, Matthew managed to burn a hole in his socks whilst waving them in front of the fire on the end of a toasting fork, a number of people enjoyed television and music whilst eating their lunch, and Jean commented that these were the easiest three attendance points she had ever earned! Such is life in Torbay Section.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]

Things will be a little different in the Section from now on. After two and a half years at STC I have recently accepted a three-month trial appointment with National Children’s Home near Stroud, and because the job involves working at weekends my Sunday attendance will sadly have to drop to about one per month. I will still be continuing in the role of Section Secretary, organising most of the major events such as camping and hostel weekends, summer socials and tours, but clearly I will not be able to help with much of the day-to-day running of the Section.

As Section Delegate, Kevin Presland will be taking on this responsibility, ably assisted by Colin Brierly and Michael Ward, but they would be grateful for any offers of assistance with such matters as the writing of Torbay Topics and the planning of runs. Kevin can be contacted on Haytor 388 and he should be able to answer any queries you may have about Section activities.

Finally, there are a number of members waiting for news about the 1983 Junior Tour for August. We have been waiting for British Rail to confirm the travel arrangements, but after a recent conversation with them I am pleased to announce that we are going to be able to run this year’s tour to South West Scotland at a very reasonable price. At the time of writing this looks like being around £55 for eight days (20-27 August) including food. So make a note in your diary, save your pounds and watch out for the circular which will be issued around mid-March!

(Michael Jones)
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Events Index Gallery Participants