Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 17 April 1983
Day ride: Laugher Tor (GR 653757)

6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Noel Downie, Robert Downie, Antony House, Nigel Wilson
Numbers have been down recently on day runs, with a combination of poor weather and exam fever, but the weather was quite kind, and our numbers augmented by Noel and Robert Downie for a trip to Laughter Tor in mid-April.

When I say the weather was kind, it is in comparison with some of the truly foul stuff we have had, for although bright there was still a quite chilly wind. After warming ourselves up rather a lot climbing from Buckfast to Holne and Hexworthy, a sheltered spot for our picnic was essential, and a grassy patch shielded by a stone wall part way up the hill from Huccaby proved ideal.

A fairly leisurely lunch and then on towards Two Bridges but turning off onto a bridle path to reach our destination. The Tor duly inspected, and remarkably good views admired, we continued along the track to Bellever before turning for Poundsgate and New Bridge on our way to tea at the Downie establishment at Buckfastleigh.

Graham, Antony and Nigel joined us there in helping make a satisfactory impression on the plentiful food that the Downies’ household had provided for us.

(Colin Brierly)
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Events Index Gallery Participants