Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 24 April 1983
Day ride: Bantham Sands

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Martin Chesterfield
Weather early on the next Sunday was as foul as any we’ve had, and I was not surprised that there was only Martin Chesterfield waiting. We did expect to pick up more riders at Totnes, but apart from Noel Downie, who had “escaped” from work to come and collect his Highwayman, we didn’t see anyone else.

The weather did gradually improve, and we were able to take capes off, but it was not Bantham Sands weather and we decided on a more local trip so that we could head for home if - or rather when - the heavens opened again. We dropped to Gara Bridge and were blessed with finding a small road-keeper’s shelter which provided cove from wind and rain.

Lanes past Crabadon and Hazard were lovely with spring flowers and bird activity, but by the time we reached the main Totnes to Avonwick road we felt we were pushing our luck too far with regards to the weather and headed for home – just in time.

(Colin Brierly)
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Events Index Gallery Participants