Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 16 March 1980
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Hennock Reservoirs

9 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Mike House, Carl Jefferys, John Pope, Mark Shepherd, John Stuart
“They shouldn’t do it! It only causes confusion, especially in remote parts like Ashburton.”

“Do what?”

“Change the clocks of course!” As they did on March 16th.

The Buckfastleigh folk turned up at Ashburton an hour earlier than expected to find Mike House (Antony’s father) still busy assembling his bike. John was despatched to meet us at Newton and take us to a further meeting point at the Teigngrace-Heathfield crossing, which would fit in with our destination of Hennock Reservoirs quite well. When the others turned up however they were minus Colin Downie who had left a few minutes early to buy chocolate, so we split into two bunches to cover both roads back to Ashburton in case he had trouble. We didn’t find Colin, but did find it was lunch time and headed up to Holne Bridge for a picnic.

After grub we found that the track into the nature reserve area on the west side of the river Webbern peters out as far as taking a bike along it is concerned – I’m not sure how far it can be walked. Back on the road again, with a leisurely stroll up to Buckland and then over to Cold East Cross and then home.

Colin, in the meantime, went to Newton Abbot and then carried out the run to Hennock – come to think of it, there were only two out from Torquay area. I wonder what happened to the rest?

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
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Events Index Gallery Participants