Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 4 April 1980
Tour: Slimbridge and Somerset
Day 1: Home to Cheddar
Sunny and warm
9 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
This year we were booked in at Cheddar, Slimbridge and Street youth hostels. Good Friday dawned bright and fine, so we thought “Good, our luck’s in,” and hoped it would last the four days. It did too – a cold wind at times, but sunny enough to coax one or two into shorts.

Our first stop on the Friday was at Willand for coffee where we met up with Gordon and Ivy who had ridden on ahead, and Colin who had come up from Paignton. Once again it was a joint Section tour with Torbay – eight from the Exeter B-Section and nine from Torbay. The rest of Colin’s Section had ridden up to Exeter on Thursday evening. We waited a while, but at last decided that they were taking a different route to Cheddar.

Pete and I were taking our car, thinking that the four days riding would be a bit much for Wendy, but apart from a lift to Willand on the Friday and a lift home from there on the Monday she rode the whole tour and did jolly well, riding hills with no bother.

From Willand we rode on to Taunton and then on to Walford Cross, where we stopped for lunch. We had by now covered half the day’s ride, while Colin said he was more than halfway! The afternoon was spent on fairly quiet roads, stopping for afternoon tea at Grainton, then up some hills to Wedmore and within a few miles Cheddar, to enjoy ice-creams amongst the holiday crowds. We had one little pile up on the way when someone rode into a back wheel and Keith’s back wheel slid in the mud. No great damage though, and Lawrence was quite disappointed when he didn’t have need to use his new first aid kit.

At Cheddar hostel we were cooking our own food for the evening. This was a bit chaotic at times as we were doing it as a group, Exeter being the cooks (when the instant custard turned out a bit cold!) and Torbay taking over the washing up. The missing Torbay riders arrived in the middle of the meal.

Later in the evening, when coming back from a stroll, we were rather concerned to see a group of the local lads hanging about the hostel. We wondered if the bikes would be safe in the unlocked and very open cycle shed. To save any problems the warden gave permission for the bikes to be brought inside, but this would not arise if all hostels had cycle sheds that could be locked. I wonder if we could claim against the YHA if bikes were stolen from unlocked cycle sheds?

(Jean Luxton)

[Attendance verified]
Saturday 5 April 1980
Tour: Slimbridge and Somerset
Day 2: Cheddar to Slimbridge
Sunny and warm
9 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
On Saturday we had a 55 mile trip to Slimbridge, which is about 20 miles beyond Bristol. So, with careful map-reading by our elders Pete, Colin and Gordon, we missed the worst of Bristol, riding through Keynsham and stopping for lunch on Siston Common, almost within a stone’s throw of friends Alec and Janet Le Bas and Arthur Comer’s homes. We did think of calling on them, but thought, as keen cyclists, they would sure to be away.

Once beyond the fringes of Bristol we were in pleasant country again. Slimbridge, we found, is a very good hostel, though rather hot with the central heating pumping away – hardly needed as plenty of windows were open. The new warden seemed keen and get-at-able and you could chat with him. Some these days, apart from signing on and giving out duties, seem to be shut away.

(Jean Luxton)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 6 April 1980
Tour: Slimbridge and Somerset
Day 3: Slimbridge to Street
Sunny and warm
9 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
Sunday we awoke to the sound of the geese and hooter swans. We had rather a long day with 70 or so miles to Street, and once more to get beyond Bristol. This time we went via Avonmouth, which was the flattest route, over cycle and motorcycle paths to Pill. We lunched in a field with the motorway and docks in the distance, watching all the traffic hurtle by and feeling glad that we were away from it all.

It was then along the Gordano Valley, with the motorway up above us and to our left. Two punctures in the next half an hour caused quite a delay, then a country cottage offering cream teas could not be passed by, much against Colin’s better judgement - we still had nearly 30 miles to cover. Another couple of punctures later on meant we finally arrived at the hostel just in time for supper – no time to wash or make beds beforehand, still first things first!

Street hostel is one I have always likes. Way up on Ivy Thorn Hill, overlooking the town, it is a very pleasant spot. The new warden was very pleasantly helpful and his food was good, so there and then I booked to spend another night there in May.

(Jean Luxton)

[Attendance verified]
Monday 7 April 1980
Tour: Slimbridge and Somerset
Day 4: Street to Home
Sunny and warm
9 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
Monday started off cold and misty, but hopefully it would improve. We said bye to the Torbay group who had nearly 80 miles to do and were away early. The Exeter group left about 9.45am, dropping down off the hill to the flats and to Burrow Bridge. Unfortunately we missed Gordon who was transporting the car to Burrow Bridge and then riding back to meet us. With us going off course for two miles he got in a few extra miles looking for us! The sun was out by now so woollies were being discarded.

Gordon and Pete found a route that avoided Taunton and we lunched near the race course. Then back through a very devious lane route to Willand for the last stop of the tour and the end of four days of good company, weather and food.

What else could we have wished for!

(Jean Luxton)

[Attendance verified]
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Events Index Gallery Participants