Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 27 April 1980
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Ringmore
9 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Martin Filham, Antony House, Mark Morton, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
Today’s ride began with nine riders meeting at Totnes in beautiful weather. We pedalled through the lanes to Harbertonford, where Martin fixed a puncture, and carried on through Woodleigh, eventually reaching the quaint village of Ringmore.

We found a bumpy track to take us to the windswept Aymer Cove for an enjoyable lunch. Robert decided to have a swim and afterwards played some merry tunes on his mouth organ. We then cycled along another track and carried on along the roads to Modbury, after which the Buckfastleigh people turned off for Marley Head and the Torbay group for Totnes.

(John Stuart)

[Attendance verified]
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Events Index Gallery Participants