Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 24 August 1980
10:00 - 19:00
Day ride: Beesands
5 Participants: Don Hassall, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, John Stuart
We had a marvellous ride on the 24th August, the destination being Beesands. Don and Mark turned up at Totnes to meet John, Kevin and myself on a hot and sunny morning. We wandered along the track at Sharpham Barton to bring us out at Ashprington, then swooped down to Bow Bridge and on to Tuckenhay where we climbed a rough track named “Corkscrew Hill”. John had derailleur problems in the lanes that followed and we were soon puzzling over the map, trying to find a few lanes that “shouldn’t have been there”.

We were soon back on the right road and, after light refreshments, we made for Slapton Sands via Strete. From Slapton we found a coastal path leading to Beesands: this was rideable for the first part, but got progressively steeper and narrower and more overgrown the nearer we got to our destination. Having left the path we stopped on the beach at Beesands for a long lunch break and an enjoyable bask in the sun.

Leaving Beesands we took the lanes back to Slapton and had an ice-cream break at Torcross before returning to the long, straight Ley road for the second time. On the climb up toward Street from Slapton we noticed some hang-gliders in a field, so a quick stop for photographs was had as the gliders soared up into the air and dropped down to the beach below. This was followed by a fair stretch of “up and down” to Stoke Fleming, where Don very kindly treated us to five delicious cream teas in a local café.

The next part of the day took us along to Dartmouth. We swooped down into the town, which was packed with people. Amid all the activity we observed many boats of all shapes and sizes lined up for the Dartmouth Regatta. Our route took us to the car ferry by which we crossed the Dart, only to climb a very long and steep hill with a minor downhill section.

After a much appreciated rest from climbing in the heat of a most beautiful late afternoon we headed towards Stoke Gabriel. Don left us nearby and the remainder cycled on through Stoke Gabriel, where Mark left us. John, Keith and I carried on through Aish and Totnes and then headed for Buckfastleigh and a final cup of tea. The time was now fairly well into the evening, but it had been a worthwhile trip and we owe many thanks to Don for his generosity which helped to make a perfect day.

(John Stuart)

Don got lost at one point on the way to the destination. While puzzling over the map he said "Just put a hedge over that turning and we will be fine."

(Kevin Presland)

[Attendance verified]
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Events Index Gallery Participants