Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 13 July 1980
10:00 - 13:00
Day ride: Shobrooke Park
Heavy rain
6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Darren Sharp, John Stuart
Six of us met under the shelter of some trees at Chudleigh Bridge on a distinctly miserable Sunday morning. Michael, Colin Downie (back from his end to end ride) and I cycled out from Buckfastleigh and we met Colin Brierly, Mark and Darren. Our destination was due to be Shobrooke Park but, after chatting for a few moments in the pouring rain, we decided to abandon the ride. We trundled back through the quiet lanes, after which the Torbay and Buckfastleigh cyclists parted for home.

(John Stuart)

[Attendance verified]
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Events Index Gallery Participants