Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 20 July 1980
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Grimspound
7 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland (15, Bovey Tracey), John Stuart
Despite the fact that weather conditions today were not unlike those of the previous Sunday, numbers were increased by one on our Grimspound ride. Michael, Peter, Antony and I cycled along to Bickington where, after a short wait, we greeted Colin Brierly and Mark. We climbed up out of Bickington and cycled along to meet our latest addition, Kevin Presland, at his home at Ilsington.

Just below Haytor we were caught by a heavy shower which, as soon as we had “caped up”, stopped. After I had dealt with chain trouble we swooped down Widecombe Hill and left Peter outside the village, leaving us to turn and wheel up a steep hill. We lunched soon afterwards under the shelter of a large tree and then began the hard push into the barren moorland. We fought a headwind and a tiring road until we finally stopped by the roadside to talk with Mr Peter Webb, a CTC member from Chagford.

We walked up to Grimspound, which was very interesting, and then set off for the Manaton area. Kevin left us near Manaton and eventually we arrived at Becky Falls for light refreshments. Having descended swiftly down to Brimley Cross our route took us along to the road bridge near Bickington, where Torbay cyclists turned off for Marldon and the Buckfastleigh Contingent for Ashburton.

(John Stuart)

[Attendance verified]
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Events Index Gallery Participants