Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 31 August 1980
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Blackingstone Rock
12 Participants: Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Nigel Wilson (14, Buckfastleigh), Philip Wrigley
We had another superb ride on the last day in August. Michael arrived with Nigel Wilson, out for the first time from Buckfastleigh, and we were soon greeted by Kevin and John. We waited for quite some time for the Marldon folk and it was a pleasure to see Robert, Don, Carl, Phil and Mark turn up at 11:30. We followed our usual route up to Haytor and stopped by the roadside (near the Moorland Hotel) to have a pleasant lunch in the lovely weather. Antony met us just as we were leaving and came with us for the rest of the ride.

The lanes we used were unfamiliar, rather narrow with some steep gradients up and down, but it was not long before they brought us out on the main Moretonhampstead to Bovey road and we set off in the Moreton direction for a fairly flat run. A signpost on the right hand side of the road stating “unsuitable for wide vehicles” marked the beginning of a very steep and very long hill (up), and eventually everyone was reduced to walking. Somewhere at this point we discovered that Kevin and Mark were missing and Mike and John were despatched to find him, thinking they had carried on to Moreton. They were soon back with us again though, and we said goodbye to Robert at the top of the hill. The rest of us rode to our destination – Blackingstone Rock.

The Rock itself is a magnificent, towering specimen of Mother Nature’s craftsmanship. We rode through thick ferns and left our machines at the foot of the Rock to climb a steep flight of steps (or, for those wanting to live dangerously, the steep faces of the Rock) and were rewarded with splendid views from the top. Photographs taken, we once more returned to the country lanes, parting from Kevin.

We cycled through magnificent scenery at Hennock Reservoirs and then descended a fairly long, steep hill into Bovey Tracey for much welcomed light refreshments in a “Cottage Coffee Shope” to end another perfect day. Finally the Buckfastleigh district and Marldon folk parted for home on the outskirts of Bovey.

(John Stuart)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Val Farrell]
[3 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants