Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 28 September 1980
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Dunchideock
15 Participants: Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Valerie Farrell, Martin Filham, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Paul Nunn, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
The Dunchideock ride at the end of September got off to a dull start, but Paul wasn’t dissuaded from returning for a second dose of our medicine. We set off bravely through Kingsteignton to the lanes. At this point Martin assured us that rain was on the way. Much to his disappointment the sky cleared before lunch, but this only served to give the sun a better view of Carl’s puncture – the first of our troubles that day. We hobbled across the dual carriageway in search of a more secluded lunch spot and were pleasantly surprised to find a picnic area in the forest complete with tables and benches.

An hour or so later, appetites had been satisfied, the puncture had been repaired and we were off – at least we would have been if Nigel’s tyre hadn’t decided to pick a thorn out of the undergrowth and puncture itself with it. A leisurely repair, accompanied by Robert’s accordion, was followed by the discovery of yet another puncture and a buckled wheel, and it was well into the afternoon when we finally escaped from the forest.

A whistle-stop drop through our destination and we were climbing up the other side. Unfortunately, on reaching the top, Robert realised that we should have turned off at the bottom, so down we went again, passing Don and the girls (!) coming up. If looks could kill .. ! It soon became apparent that Martin had done a rain dance back in the forest so we made a brisk return home via the Teign Valley before the weather became too unpleasant.

We subsequently discovered that Philip, after missing us at the start and pick-up points, completed the ride all by himself. It’s hardly surprising that he didn’t find us at lunchtime.

(Michael Jones)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Noel Downie]
[3 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants