Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 21 December 1980
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Hamel Down

6 Participants: Valerie Farrell, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Mark Shepherd, Mike Ward
Although the weather was good today, only six of us met at Bickington for the Hamel Down ride. Colin was down with a cold and others were no doubt partaking in various seasonal activities. We were just approaching Ilsington when Michael, Mark and myself found ourselves in rather intimate contact with the road – perhaps I shouldn’t have produced such a large bar of chocolate from my saddlebag while we were still riding!

Clouds were spreading quickly so we abandoned the idea of Hamel Down and had lunch beside Haytor Rocks. We were just gazing across the deserted moorland to the next tor, wondering who else could possibly be mad enough to be on Haytor in mid-winter, when John Pope appeared with his two dogs. Currently cycle-less he was not to be stopped from getting some fresh air (and some of our food).

Fun and games were had on the rocks before we finally went on our way again, leaving Antony who had to get back early. Cold East Cross and Pudsham took us to Buckland, and at Spitchwick we couldn’t resist a few photos. I didn’t even have to mention the word “tea” before everyone had invited themselves back for refreshments, and it was an hour later that we finally said farewell for another week.

(Michael Jones)

[2 points: Antony House]
[3 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants