Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 16 October 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Mamhead Obelisk
2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly
A better turn out for the Haldon Obelisk run – people had heard the prospect of Jelly Babies and Custard at Dawlish! We very rarely go up through Chudleigh, so it was interesting to see the many fairly recent changes as we made our leisurely way to the top of the town before taking to the lanes past Hayes Barton and Harcombe to get to the top of Haldon.

Slight delay for some with a puncture while the main group carried on to the Obelisk and lunch. You’d think that with a big square chunk of masonry there would be one sheltered side, but it was distinctly draughty, though not so bad a few yards down the slope towards Mamhead.

Three of us were not staying out for tea, so Ben, Jean and I bade the group “Bon Voyage” and headed for home.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants