Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 29 January 1984
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Hope Cove
5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Michael Jones, Richard Wiseman
My ride to Hope Cove at the end of January looked a little daunting, which is probably why Matthew was the only young rider out. It was very pleasing to see Michael Jones waiting for us at Totnes once again. His lack of recent practice became evident, however, as he lagged a little through our familiar lanes to Harbertonford and Moreleigh.

We then took a less familiar route to Woodleigh, and as we dropped towards the station, turned sharply left down a steep slippery lane past the mill. Here, Matthew’s bike took control and threw him to the ground, almost under Richard’s pedals. We picked Matthew up, cleaned him up, set him back on his bike and off we went, luckily no damage done.

We headed towards Churstow and then past Bowringsleigh along a road that even Colin had not cycled before! By this time, hunger was making its presence felt, but we decided to press on and reach our destination for lunch. This was achieved by 1.30pm. After watching a handful of hardier souls surfing in the breakers we chose a sheltered spot on the next beach where we could watch the heavy seas throwing spray high above the breakwater. The more inquisitive members of the Section investigated at closer quarters and, inevitably, got wet.

After lunch we retraced our steps to the main road and cycled directly to Kingsbridge. From here we forsook the main road to Torcross and rode up the creek, so to speak, and then took to the hills, which were by now taking their toll. Michael and Colin headed for home from Coles Cross while the rest of us continued on our hilly way, reaching that steaming pot of tea at Blackpool by way of another tricky descent through Southwood.

On the way home, our complaints about the excessive fares on the Dartmouth ferry fell on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Richard was having a slow puncture, which we mended at Hillhead. If you disregarded the hail showers it had been a great day and a good ride.

(Phil Burrows)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants