Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 8 April 1984
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Lannacombe Beach
2 Participants: Robert Spence, Richard Wiseman
Yet another good attendance for April 8th, but of course with me as leader, this is not surprising!

The “emergency rations” shop in Totnes was empty; thankfully we were all fully equipped with Mars bars so off we went on the back road to Harbertonford and then chose the main drag to Stanborough Hundred for a change. Back on familiar lanes until Chillington and then from Cousins Cross we enjoyed the delicious ever-deepening and twisty valley road that took us through South Allington to Lannacombe Beach.

We did not have this to ourselves as the motorists had beaten us to it, but they seemed almost human, and our lunch was a mixture of high jinks and relaxation, with the weather improving all the time.

Back on the bikes for 2pm and a long climb to turn off at Mattiscombe for the back road to Torcross which had such a great view over the entire Ley.

Ice-creams were consumed in the village then onward to the café at Blackpool Sands. The three bikes already there turned out to be a curly Hutchins, a Bates Cantiflex and a Flying Gate replica! Some of us departed for Totnes, most of us headed for the Lower ferry in Dartmouth, finding out that another 5p had been slapped on the already extortionate 40p.

On dry land at Kingswear we went mountaineering via the back road to Boohay. This was Richard Wiseman’s idea and he does have a minus 12-inch bottom gear. We reached Hillhead somewhat out of breath and said our goodbyes ‘til the next ride.

(Robert Spence)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants