Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 29 April 1984
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Blackawton
3 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones
Sunday 29th April, in addition to being the date of our ride to Blackawton, was also the day chosen for Torbay’s St George’s Day parade. Most of our regulars were involved, and some of those who weren’t had gone off on an Audax ride! It was a little sad, therefore, that on a beautiful sunny morning in April, only Colin, Jean, Ben and myself turned out to sample the fresh spring countryside.

It really was perfect cycling weather, so we programmed the bikes for “Extra Slow Ramble” and proceeded along the Sharpham House track, stopping periodically to enjoy the view and tackle the numerous gates and stiles that dotted the route. The landowner must have known we’d be coming along with a tandem as nearly all the gates were padlocked and lined with barbed wire, leaving no choice but to lift the bikes over the stiles.

Nearing Sharpham House the path leaves the drive and crosses a field, a diversion which includes two further particularly high stiles and a steep ascent. As we emerged from the woods at the top, tired and breathless, we felt it had all been worthwhile, knowing that we had done the honest and upright thing by following the proper footpath rather than taking the easier Sharpham Drive (as we had done the previous year)!

Ashprington and Tuckenhay looked delightful in the morning sunshine. It was in Tuckenhay that we met Otto Jeff from Plymouth, who seemed to have lost his Section (he didn’t say whether this was deliberate or purely accidental). He declined our invitation to join us as he had just come from that direction, so we proceeded to another part of the village for a photo stop. At this point, Ben carefully removed his pump and laid it in the hedge whilst effecting repairs to his dynamo. It was only when we reached Washbourne that he thought anything more about the pump – such a bright lad!

Lunch was eaten on a grassy bank at the top of the hill before continuing to Blackawton, where very little was happening (and probably where very little ever happens). Ben’s new bike caused further problems at Moreleigh, but I failed to see how kicking the front wheel was going to put it right!

A strong wind had been building up during the afternoon, so it was with some relief that we arrived at Dartington at 4pm to make our separate ways home. Ben won’t be back in this area again until September if he passes his exams next week, but he hopes to join us at a few hostels in Scotland during the summer.

(Michael Jones)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants