Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 17 June 1984
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Burrator Reservoir
3 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Adam Nice
It was a hot Sunday morning when five riders started off from Five Lanes at ten o’clock. The pick-up point was Avonwick so we had to get a move on. Colin Brierly was riding his famous single-geared fixed wheel bike.

We eventually arrived at Avonwick about ten minutes late, finding a somewhat small turnout of one rider, he being the intrepid Mick Jones on his eighteen-geared machine.

We travelled on, going up the dual carriageway to Ivybridge and then up to Cornwood. This was only a third of the way to Burrator reservoir, where we were going to have lunch. But it was later decided that we were to eat at a very nice, scenic bridge somewhere on the open moor. We sat down by the river to eat our well-deserved lunch. Colin read his paper and passed comments on our day’s ride and where to go next.

As we still had to face the climb to Burrator, which was about five miles away, we climbed our trusty steeds and we made off into the sun and the brightness of a summer’s day. On and on we went, going through Princetown (a very grey part of the world). From here we cycled on into Dartmeet and past Pixie’s Holt, ready for the climb up to the top of Dartmeet Hill.

Tea was taken at Ashburton and then we went our separate ways. A very long, tiring, sweaty, hot, enjoyable time was had by all. Well, most of us anyway!

(Adam Nice)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants