Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 1 July 1984
09:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Exmouth
9 Participants: Phil Benstead, Colin Brierly, Martin Burrows, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Adam Nice, Kevin Presland, Duncan Scott, Richard Wiseman
The hard ride (alternative to the afternoon ride) on 1st July was much more popular than expected, with ten riders meeting at Newton Abbot including Kevin Presland and Phil Benstead who had already ridden up from Plymouth. The destination was officially Exmouth, although I was hoping to get a little further, to Budleigh, by lunch.

We took a relatively easy route out to Chudleigh and then climbed to Haldon racecourse by way of the steep lane past Harcombe. Most agreed that this was a good alternative to the usual slog up Telegraph Hill.

As we rapidly descended Old Haldon Hill my glasses blew off, but I was lucky to retrieve them in one piece. We took to the old road through Kennford and the Exeter bypass, stopping at Countess Wear to replenish water bottles after just over an hour’s riding in the heat.

As we pressed on through Clyst St Mary, Woodbury Salterton and Common, Adam, who has only been with us for a month, was beginning to wilt a little at the back. However, after passing through pretty East Budleigh, we arrived on the beach at Budleigh Salterton after forty miles’ riding at precisely one o’clock. Is this a record for Torbay Section?

Five immediately changed and took to the water. It was freezing cold and Matthew and Kevin retreated quickly, although they did at least get wet up to their necks. Richard, Adam and myself actually swam for ten minutes before we had had enough!

After lunch we headed for Exmouth, but Colin soon left us to head for home. Exmouth beach was naturally crowded with people who knew better than to spend such a gorgeous day working up a sweat cycling. We made enquiries at the ferry, hoping to save a few miles, but had no joy.

After consuming ice-creams and the like we headed up a path alongside the river at Richard’s request, but soon gave up that idea when it became apparent we were not going to make rapid progress. A broken brake cable on Paul’s bike also influenced the decision.

On finding our way back to the main road we forsook this for the quieter lanes, via Woodbury (and another search for water) to Clyst St George. Time was getting on now, after the lost time in Exmouth, especially since we were supposed to meet the others at Denbury for tea at about 5pm. Adam was by now really suffering, but the other more experiences young ones, Paul, Duncan, Martin and Matthew, were all apparently taking things in their stride.

After a further stop at Countess Wear for water (again), Richard rode on at a tremendous speed over Telegraph Hill to let the others know we were on our way, while Kevin and Phil stayed back to accompany poor Adam and the rest of us rode on at our steady pace. We arrived at Denbury for tea over a period of an hour, most of the afternoon runners just leaving as our main bunch arrived.

The tea, however, lived up to our anticipation and it was a mere five-mile weary step back home to complete over eighty miles (except for the two Plymouthians who, I’m told, completed over a hundred and twenty miles in the day).

(Phil Burrows)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants