Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 5 August 1984
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Combeinteignhead
1 Participants: Robert Spence
The August 5th afternoon run was a very leisurely affair with none of us feeling highly motivated to cover vast distances at high speed. The high spot was puncture-mending time on the garage forecourt at Combeinteignhead. Yes, it is private property, and yes, we did take more time than usual, but we were taken aback by the ferocity of the old guy who came out of a nearby house to tell us to depart forthwith, and even more so by the superheated younger man who appeared shortly after to rant and rave.

I do hate aggressive people and could quite happily punch them in the face!!! However, I digress.

(Robert Spence)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants