Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 12 August 1984
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Meldon Hill
4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Kevin Presland
Another hot, rather sultry day on August 12th for our run to Meldon Hill, with a goodly attendance encouraged not just by the weather, but also by thoughts of Mrs Presland’s tea.

After leaving the Bovey pick-up we soon took to the lanes for Lustleigh and thence, with much sweat and toil, up past the Parson’s Loaf. Easier going once on the ridge between North Bovey and Moreton, and before long we were dropping to Batworthy and thinking of lunch with shade and a bit of cooling breeze as a main requirement for the venue.

A fairly peaceful lunch in the shade of a hedge with no-one feeling energetic enough to hurl rocks or practice for BMX-type events, and even the dogs in the nearby farm were content to slumber.

Thoughts of tea and the Preslands’ swimming pool eventually got us moving again, and after plodding over the edge of Meldon Hill and dragging up by Green Combe we were soon enjoying the easy stretch past Grimspound on route to Widecombe.

Jean and I decided that we’d be walking with the tandem and preferred the peace of Bonehill to the burnt brake smell of Widecombe Hill, so while al the others hammered up the hill and on to Ilsington for tea, we strolled gently up to Bonehill Rocks. Michael was chatting to a couple of visiting transatlantic tourists and waiting for us where we joined the main road, but when we came to move on there was a distinct lack of air in our front tyre. It didn’t take long to replace the tube and before long we joined the milling throng at the swimming pool. And then came tea!

The array of goodies would have temped even the most jaded appetite, and we all know such things don’t exist in the cycling club world, so very quickly conversation flagged as mouths got down to the most important function of eating. Thanks Mr and Mrs Presland for a wonderful tea in beautiful surroundings, and a particular welcome to you as new CTC members.

(Colin Brierly)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants